The University provides additional support for you alongside your studies through Student Support & Success Advisors (SSSAs). There is one assigned to each Faculty and they support all undergraduate and postgraduate taught students.

The SSSA is your ‘go-to’ staff member for any conversations about your future, time at Winchester or any welfare matters which affect your current academic studies. SSSAs work alongside your Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) and focus more on the pastoral role rather than the academic side. SSSAs will monitor attendance and engagement along with your PAT, to ensure you are engaging overall with the academic requirements of the programme.

Your SSSA can support you with:

1.      Engagement & Attendance

2.      Managing your workload

3.      Beating Procrastination

4.      Keeping you on track

5.      Managing health & studies

6.      Managing Part Time work and studies

7.      Extenuating Circumstances, such as bereavement, illness, something unexpected to throw a spanner in your life at the wrong time.

8.     Support to Study

9.     Suspected Academic Misconduct

10.   Progression and Award Board (PAB or exam board)

11.   Repeat Study

12.   Fitness to Practise

If an SSSA is unable to help you themselves, they will know the best person / team that can.

You can book an appointment here: Booking a Meeting: Student Support & Success Advisors (

Faculty SSSAs:

BDT - Olivia Hill-Goulding

West Downs Business Centre (UWBS 206)

EA - Liz Floyd

St Grimbalds Court (SGC 13)

HWB - Chris Tuckwell

Alwyn Hall West (AHW Flat 1)

HSS - tba - please email and another SSSA will be able to help you

Medecroft (MC 20)

LCJ - Caitlin Brodie

St Edburga Building (SEB 203)


There are two ways you can tell us what happened